Iterative Design of an Interactive Augmented Reality Board Game: A Playful Approach to Recruiting Prospective Students

Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR) technologies have inspired educational institutions to incorporate unique experiences for recruiting prospective students. With the turn to remote engagements and the advancements in AR technology towards immersive and meaningful interactions, we propose a home-based recruitment approach tailored for prospective students, with Virginia Tech as our case study. Through interviews and focus groups with university students, we explore the factors influencing their choice of academic institution. Building on insights from our preliminary study, we introduce an interactive AR board game as a novel recruitment strategy. This novel approach aims to cultivate a playful yet collaborative decision-making experience, facilitating meaningful engagements between prospective students and their families. At the heart of our design lies a commitment to playful information dissemination and the fostering of multi-generational involvement. Our design offers a bespoke experience attuned to the nuances of home-based college recruitment.

The work won the Best Poster Award at the CHCI Symposium 2019 at Virginia Tech.

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