NASA Transform to Open Science (TOPS)
The White House declared 2023 the Year of Open Science. In that vein, NASA’s Transform to Open Science (TOPS) initiative is developing the infrastructure to train scientists and researchers to incorporate the best open science practices as part of its five-year mission.
I was fortunate and immeasurably proud to be selected as one of the panelists for the TOPS community panel, held at the NASA Headquarters, Washington D.C., on November 14th, 2023.
It was a great learning experience engaging in discussions with some of the best scientists in the world, working towards the goal of creating an inclusive culture of open science. At the panel, the TOPS team presented their vision to change the way we do science with an open science approach, rethinking what constitutes a research result and discussing ways to empower young scientists and early career researchers in the future. Being part of this and sharing insights was a truly profound experience!
Related links: NASA TOPS | OS 101 Reviewer | TOPS Educator at DUTC | Blog post for Alabama